Fear of dentists is a widespread phenomenon. It ranges from mild discomfort to full-blown phobias. How can you make a dental visit more pleasant for your patients? Discover what lies behind oral phobia and how to give your patients the most stress-free experience possible.
Can you simply delete doctor reviews? Just like companies, most medical practices today rely on visibility on the Internet. This also includes review portals such as Google, Sanego and Jameda. But how do you build up a good reputation over the long term?
The right practice management system is essential for every practice. Doctors are particularly spoilt for choice when setting up a practice, but a change can also be worthwhile for established medical practices. Learn more about typical challenges with a PVS and which aspects are important when choosing.
In view of the bureaucratic complexity in healthcare, many dentists and doctors welcome factoring — this makes billing easy to resolve. Learn what benefits your medical practice can derive from billing and what you should definitely pay attention to when it comes to factoring providers.
Since January 1, 2024, all prescription drugs must be prescribed via e-prescription. But what does this mean for doctors and patients? What are the benefits of an e-prescription and which laws must be observed? In this article, we shed light on the background, clarify important questions and provide an insight into the future of drug prescribing in Germany.
Artificial intelligence often only thinks of ChatGPT. But AI has also played a decisive role in medicine for a long time. What are AI, machine learning and neural networks and what are the areas of application for them in medicine? Get to know examples and challenges and find out what the future has in store.
IT is the backbone of every medical practice. Regardless of whether you are setting up a practice or a long-established practice — it is always worthwhile to compare the software used with the latest state of the art. While outdated processes involve an unnecessary amount of effort, the appropriate programs make your day-to-day practice much easier. Discover the topics of PVS, AIS and device software and read tips for useful new tools.
No more annoying clutter of notes when it comes to sick leave — the electronic certificate of incapacity for work makes it possible! What is behind it and how does it all work for employers, practices and patients? Find out more about the technical requirements and for whom the eAU is mandatory.
The Bogenhausen private practice for pediatric dentistry and orthodontics focuses on the needs of young patients. But there must be enough time to do so. Find out how Nelly can help relieve parents and practice staff.
Digital health is intended to raise healthcare worldwide to a new level. Practical applications such as telemedicine and digital health applications are already significantly increasing efficiency today. Technologies such as AI and virtual reality also offer unimagined potential for the future. But what does digital health include? Which laws apply? And what opportunities and challenges do we have to face? Get to know practical examples.