Digitizing your medical practice: it works with these tips

Both patients and doctors are in favour of the digitalization of medical practices. But what is the actual status of digital technologies in everyday practice? Read here how Germany compares internationally and which tips you can use to digitalize your practice.

min reading time

The most important answers on the digitalization of medical practices at a glance:

What is meant by the term digitization?

Digitalisierung meint den Prozess der Umwandlung von analogen Prozessen in digitale mit dem Ziel, sie zu verbessern sowie effizienter und transparenter zu machen. Die Digitalisierung in der Arztpraxis kann unterschiedlich erfolgen, zum Beispiel über: Online-Terminbuchungssysteme, elektronische Gesundheitsakte (eGA), elektronische Patientenakte (ePA), Video-Sprechstunde oder digitale Prozesse der Praxisorganisation und -verwaltung.

How digital are Germany's medical practices?‍

Deutschlands Ärzte sind der Digitalisierung gegenüber aufgeschlossen und sehen sie überwiegend als Chance. Dennoch liegt Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich bei der Digitalisierung laut einer Studie der Bertelsmann Stiftung auf dem vorletzten Platz. Grund dafür ist die schleppende Einführung digitaler Health-Anwendungen in den Praxis-Regelbetrieb.

Why does digitization play a central role in healthcare?

Die Digitalisierung bewirkt tiefgreifende Veränderungen im Gesundheitswesen sowohl in der Diagnostik und Behandlung als auch in den administrativen Prozessen. Nicht zuletzt durch Regelungen wie dem E-Health-Gesetz von 2016, der Lockerung des Fernbehandlungsverbots 2018 und des Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz von 2019 wurde die Digitalisierung in der medizinischen Versorgung rechtlich verankert.

Ever since the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) was passed in 2019 and the supply problems during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been clear that Germany's healthcare system needs to become more digital - including digitalization in doctors' surgeries. This has been met with a predominantly positive response in professional circles.

According to a survey by bitkom, 67% of all doctors surveyed see digitalization primarily as an opportunity. This is also the conclusion of the latest Practice Barometer on Digitalization from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. After all, it offers many opportunities to make everyday practice life more patient-friendly and efficient and to relieve the burden on staff. But what is the current state of digitalization in the healthcare sector in Germany?

67 % aller Ärzte sehen die Digitalisierung als Chance.

Digitization in healthcare: Germany

According to a study by consulting firm Deloitte, the assessment of the current state of digitization can be summed up in one word above all: "slow". One of the reasons for this: Digitization has been pursued only hesitantly in recent decades - also by legislators. Only recently, for example, have the legal prerequisites been created for the introduction and use of:

The challenges in the medical practice

According to statistics on the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare organizations, bureaucracy in the healthcare sector and the cost of new technologies are among the biggest obstacles to progress. In addition, major data protection concerns also prevent many doctors from digitizing their practices. As a result, they are missing out on valuable innovations in everyday practice. Much more is now possible than is standard in regular operations. The situation is different in some neighboring European countries and in international comparison.

Datenschutzbedenken halten viele Ärzte und Ärztinnen von der Nutzung digitaler Tools ab.

Digitization in international comparison

International statistics and rankings from the last 20 years repeatedly and clearly show Germany's lagging behind in terms of digitization of the healthcare system. A study by the Bertelsmann Foundation also puts Germany in second-to-last place.

These countries against lead by example

Denmark and Estonia, for example, are showing how it's done: in both European countries, it has long been common practice for patients to view their patient records, including their examination results and medication plans, online and share them with their treating physicians. Germany also has some catching up to do compared to Canada. The use of video consultations is already widespread there. Israel goes one step further in the use of digital technologies and also uses artificial intelligence for early cancer detection as standard.

Telemedizin, die elektronischen Patientenakte und KI in der Krebsfrüherkennung sind in anderen Ländern Standard.

In areas where other countries regularly rely on digital technologies, Germany lags behind. But that can be changed!

Digital medical practice: these measures make it work

Digitizing your medical practice doesn't have to be complicated - quite the opposite! The technologies make everyday practice life much easier for you, your staff and your patients:

  • Online appointment booking: No more waiting on hold! Instead of picking up the phone, patients can simply book their desired appointment electronically. According to a study, this is the most popular digital service in the healthcare sector.
  • Digital billing systems: save time now! Avoid the high administrative workload with software solutions that specialize in billing private and IGeL services.
  • Electronic patient file (ePA): All information at a click! With the ePA, you always know immediately what medication your patients are taking, what ongoing therapy measures are taking place and much more.
  • Practice management systems (PVS): Everything comes together here! With a PV S, you always have everything in view: from patient files and payment information to master data and consent forms. Many providers also offer a high degree of customization so that the software can be optimally adapted to your requirements.
  • Video consultation: If it is not possible for your patients to come to the practice in person, a digital consultation can be the solution. Video consultations also reduce waiting times and help to close gaps in care in rural areas.
  • Digital anamnesis: simply lay the foundations! The medical history is an important measure in diagnostics. That's why you should collect all the information seamlessly and efficiently with digital tools such as Nelly.

Beyond these options, there are other possibilities from the e-health sector - such as the e-prescription for prescription drugs or health apps that remind people to take their medicine regularly.

Tip: For more information, see apobank's digitization guide.

Medical practice digitization made easy with Nelly

Start digitizing your medical practice now. Nelly enables you to use the digital possibilities of the future today. This is because the software allows you to handle many everyday practice processes with just a few clicks:

Mit der Software von Nelly möglich: digitaler Anamnesebogen, Unterschrift, Zahlungsmethode, Abrechnung.

How Nelly works

Nelly is very easy to use - even for patients and staff who are not "digital natives"!

  1. Patients fill out the medical history form on their own smartphone and leave their desired payment method.
  2. Many documents and treatment contracts can be signed with a single click.
  3. All data is automatically stored in the Nelly practice portal.
  4. After the treatment, Nelly initiates the billing automatically.

Create a digital workflow in your practice now. We will advise you on your individual case without obligation and free of charge!

Contact Nelly now!
The personal designations used in this article always refer equally to all persons. We have refrained from using double references and gendered terms in order to improve readability.

Ever since the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) was passed in 2019 and the supply problems during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been clear that Germany's healthcare system needs to become more digital - including digitalization in doctors' surgeries. This has been met with a predominantly positive response in professional circles.

According to a survey by bitkom, 67% of all doctors surveyed see digitalization primarily as an opportunity. This is also the conclusion of the latest Practice Barometer on Digitalization from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. After all, it offers many opportunities to make everyday practice life more patient-friendly and efficient and to relieve the burden on staff. But what is the current state of digitalization in the healthcare sector in Germany?

67 % aller Ärzte sehen die Digitalisierung als Chance.

Digitization in healthcare: Germany

According to a study by consulting firm Deloitte, the assessment of the current state of digitization can be summed up in one word above all: "slow". One of the reasons for this: Digitization has been pursued only hesitantly in recent decades - also by legislators. Only recently, for example, have the legal prerequisites been created for the introduction and use of:

The challenges in the medical practice

According to statistics on the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare organizations, bureaucracy in the healthcare sector and the cost of new technologies are among the biggest obstacles to progress. In addition, major data protection concerns also prevent many doctors from digitizing their practices. As a result, they are missing out on valuable innovations in everyday practice. Much more is now possible than is standard in regular operations. The situation is different in some neighboring European countries and in international comparison.

Datenschutzbedenken halten viele Ärzte und Ärztinnen von der Nutzung digitaler Tools ab.

Digitization in international comparison

International statistics and rankings from the last 20 years repeatedly and clearly show Germany's lagging behind in terms of digitization of the healthcare system. A study by the Bertelsmann Foundation also puts Germany in second-to-last place.

These countries against lead by example

Denmark and Estonia, for example, are showing how it's done: in both European countries, it has long been common practice for patients to view their patient records, including their examination results and medication plans, online and share them with their treating physicians. Germany also has some catching up to do compared to Canada. The use of video consultations is already widespread there. Israel goes one step further in the use of digital technologies and also uses artificial intelligence for early cancer detection as standard.

Telemedizin, die elektronischen Patientenakte und KI in der Krebsfrüherkennung sind in anderen Ländern Standard.

In areas where other countries regularly rely on digital technologies, Germany lags behind. But that can be changed!

Digital medical practice: these measures make it work

Digitizing your medical practice doesn't have to be complicated - quite the opposite! The technologies make everyday practice life much easier for you, your staff and your patients:

  • Online appointment booking: No more waiting on hold! Instead of picking up the phone, patients can simply book their desired appointment electronically. According to a study, this is the most popular digital service in the healthcare sector.
  • Digital billing systems: save time now! Avoid the high administrative workload with software solutions that specialize in billing private and IGeL services.
  • Electronic patient file (ePA): All information at a click! With the ePA, you always know immediately what medication your patients are taking, what ongoing therapy measures are taking place and much more.
  • Practice management systems (PVS): Everything comes together here! With a PV S, you always have everything in view: from patient files and payment information to master data and consent forms. Many providers also offer a high degree of customization so that the software can be optimally adapted to your requirements.
  • Video consultation: If it is not possible for your patients to come to the practice in person, a digital consultation can be the solution. Video consultations also reduce waiting times and help to close gaps in care in rural areas.
  • Digital anamnesis: simply lay the foundations! The medical history is an important measure in diagnostics. That's why you should collect all the information seamlessly and efficiently with digital tools such as Nelly.

Beyond these options, there are other possibilities from the e-health sector - such as the e-prescription for prescription drugs or health apps that remind people to take their medicine regularly.

Tip: For more information, see apobank's digitization guide.

Medical practice digitization made easy with Nelly

Start digitizing your medical practice now. Nelly enables you to use the digital possibilities of the future today. This is because the software allows you to handle many everyday practice processes with just a few clicks:

Mit der Software von Nelly möglich: digitaler Anamnesebogen, Unterschrift, Zahlungsmethode, Abrechnung.

How Nelly works

Nelly is very easy to use - even for patients and staff who are not "digital natives"!

  1. Patients fill out the medical history form on their own smartphone and leave their desired payment method.
  2. Many documents and treatment contracts can be signed with a single click.
  3. All data is automatically stored in the Nelly practice portal.
  4. After the treatment, Nelly initiates the billing automatically.

Create a digital workflow in your practice now. We will advise you on your individual case without obligation and free of charge!

Contact Nelly now!
The personal designations used in this article always refer equally to all persons. We have refrained from using double references and gendered terms in order to improve readability.

Laura Sophia Hauck


Laura Sophia Hauck is a sociologist and expert in editing and content. Here she has specialized in the medical sector in particular.

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